
Showing posts from 2012

They'll know we are Christians

Things I have come to believe: 1. Legislation is not the way to deal with sin. 2. We need to proclaim the love of Jesus first. If someone falls in love with Jesus, dealing with sin will be a natural byproduct of that relationship. We tarnish our representation for Jesus when we can't see past race, gender, or sexual orientation long enough to proclaim His love for ALL PEOPLE. 3. All people have differing ideas of what constitutes sin and things are not always as clear cut as they seem in the English translation of the Bible. Some disagree on whether instruments in worship is sin. For some it's women keeping their head covered. For some it is homosexuality. 4. Yes, it can be Biblically explained that homosexuality is not a sin. You don't have to buy it, but you do have to accept that some do, and just because you disagree does not make them less Christian. The only opinions that matter are theirs and GOD's. It is a matter of heart. 5. We can discuss the things

What "Church" is Missing.

I trust most of my readers have seen the old church sign that says something along the lines of, "Ch  ch.  What's missing?  U R."  This sign is as cheesy as nachos (kinda like that pun), but I have my doubts as to it's efficacy in getting people to attend- much less continue to attend a particular church.  Different churches face evangelism in different ways and I would venture to guess that most are at a loss to figure out how to do so effectively.  I personally have come to the conclusion that it is less a matter of technique and more a matter of heart (like most things).  But lets think past evangelism for a moment and figure out how you KEEP someone coming once they've made it there.  What we're missing My husband and I have started "church shopping" in our area after attending the same congregation for almost 9 years.  We are happy at the church we've been attending, but have moved further away from it than we were when we started out. 


After a few years of blogging off and on at Cloth Diaper Adventurer I decided I needed another blog.  Why?  Because at Cloth Diaper Adventurer I tend to be silent on issues of religion and politics, and I felt I needed a voice for these issues.  To have brought the issues up there would not follow the purpose of the blog.  So I decided to try a new adventure (in addition to the old one) at which I can post about topics that don't fit on my other blog.  There may be controversy, and I promise to step on some toes, but I also intend to remain respectful (and keep the comments that way also).  I hope you enjoy! Kayla